Core Games
Landscape image of the first regional release of Primorbis - Fleunta
Primogen Games has two core game projects current in the works. The main focus is the game Primorbis (perviously under the code name, “Game X”). Primorbis is the first major game project for Primogen Games. The game with be a one-of-a-kind map exploration game combined with scenario based battles, puzzles, and stories. This tabletop RPG will feature unique characters each with their own storylines that you can explore and grow with. The game will feature mechanics that allow you to bring your customized character to play at other game owners’ homes making it the first MMTRP - Massive Multiplayer Tabletop Role Playing game of it’s kind. Primorbis is on track to release the first region of the game and expansions in 2021. Go here to learn more:
Landscape image of Stagnum - one of the future regions of Primorbis RPG and home to PVP Character
Primorbis PVP
A player versus player battle arena version of Primorbis is the second project in development that will feature the core battle mechanics of the Primorbis RPG game. I hope to release Primorbis PVP before the full RPG to allow all of you the opportunity to explore and learn who your favorite character is based on your personality and preferred style of game play. The PVP release of Primorbis will also serve as a test ground to improve upon game mechanics that may benefit from changes. At Primogen Games, I am always seeking to improve my games with every iteration. I listen to all of your feedback and I really do want to hear from you. So contact me and share your thoughts on my blog to be a part of the journey to making the world’s greatest table top game. Go to the following link to learn more:
More to come…
Future Projects
I am always in search for new ideas for game projects. If you have an idea you would like to share with me about a current project or any future projects, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m actively seeking talented individuals to participate on all aspects of tabletop game development. Please check out my blog and contact me if you have any thoughts.