Primogen Games
Primogen: /prīmōˈjenə/ noun - the first generation of people
Primogen Games originated from a personal quest to create the world’s greatest tabletop game. Growing up I’ve always had a passion for puzzles and games. Now in my adult years, I’ve rediscovered the joy of gaming with friends and family. Recent tabletop games have come out that are truly amazing and inspiring. Some great games have pushed the envelope and opened the world’s eyes to what a tabletop game can be. Now is the time to take the tabletop game evolution to the next level. This next evolutionary step exists in expanding game play to what I’ll refer to as a MMTRPG - Massive Multiplayer Tabletop Roll Playing Game. I invite you to peruse this website and check out some of my ideas and I welcome your feedback. Game on!
Core Games
Primorbis and Primorbis PVP will be the first of Primogen Games products. Primorbis will be the first MMTRPG of its kind. The game will be at a scale previously unimaginable in a tabletop game. Check out this section if you want to track the latest details of our Core Games like Primorbis.
Beta Games
Beta Games are games that I have decided should be shared with customers while still under development. The intent of this is to allow all of you to be a part of the creation process. This also lets you get your hands on games as soon as possible. Click the link below to learn more about our Beta Games.
Purchase any Primogen Games products through my shop on The Game Crafter in the link below. While this isn’t ideal to send you to another company to buy my products, I’ve found this to be significantly cheaper than anything I can offer at this time. Later this year, I plan to expand my shop page so stay tuned for updates.
The best way to reach me to share ideas, get involved, and just chat if you’d like, is to use the Contact Me page. Once you fill out the form and send your message I’ll send you an email shortly after. Don’t be shy, I really want to hear from all of you.
It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on progress with Primorbis, so today I thought I’d give you some highlights and share some details on 3D printing which I’ve spent a TON of time on in the last couple months.