Track v0.3 For Sale!

The time has finally come when I feel good enough about Track to release the v0.3 for sale! You can find it for sale through my store front on the Game Crafter! To learn more about Track and and the various products for sale now and coming soon, click here.

It’s been more than a few months in the making, but it’s really helped me learn a lot about the game making process, as well as, everything else around it including manufacturing, printing, sales, inventory, taxes, and more. While it wasn’t the game that drove my passion to start the company (that game would be Primobis - still in the works), it was an invaluable learning experience. And at the end of it all, I personally think I ended up with a pretty cool game. Especially considering it didn’t take that long to piece together.

There are a few key things I learned to do that you may find interesting. If you want to know more, I’m happy to share more in-depth thoughts on a future blog.

  1. How to register for a Trademark

  2. How to register for a Copyright

  3. How to write good rules for a game (this was very challenging!)

  4. I re-learned a lot of my graphic design skills I haven’t used in quite a while

  5. I’m very much a perfectionist - This made it really hard for me to release Track and possibly any game in a Beta form.

There are also a few things I’ve NOT learned how to manage or do well yet.

  1. Selling direct from my website (state sales tax laws are just too much to deal with in the current environment).

  2. How to manage bulk orders, inventory, and distribution (another reason why I’m going to start by selling through The Game Crafter).

  3. How to make videos (This is high on my priority list - but I’ll take volunteers - haha)

Eventually, I will need to learn these a bit better. I’m still debating on if I’ll try to take Track to the next level first or the Primorbis PVP that still needs some work before a first release for play testing with a broader audience. Track was pretty simple in that it was a card based game with simple components. 3D miniatures is going to be a big learning curve for Primorbis which I think will be an exciting new element and open up a lot of opportunity. I love miniature based games, and I think there are many others who share my excitement for them.

Track v0.3 will be sold through The Game Crafter for the foreseeable future, that is, until I move and get settled into my new home. The prices are still pretty reasonable compared to any other option I have available right now…shy of me purchasing 1000+ copies of the game myself. When you buy bulk at that scale, it seems you can cut the cost by about 50% but then you have to factor in that the bulk items are being shipped twice (once to me, then again to you the buyer). And I’ll have 1000 copies of a game that I currently have no idea how many will sell. Not to mention this is still just a Beta game, and I have every intention of revising it and making it better. So I don’t want a ton of old version copies lying around in a year.

If folks are interested in going in on bulk orders to save money, let me know. If I get enough support, I can find a way to coordinate a pre-order at a discount. In my next blog post, I’ll share a bit more detail about Track v0.3 and how it’s played for those who are interested to learn a bit more before buying a copy. I also hope to have a “How to Play” and “Play Through” videos created in the not too distant future. It’s been a few years since I’ve done any video editing so that will be fun.

